It is a powerful transition time on the planet offering intense energies for retrospection and reflection. We are all anchoring in new timelines and for some our old world may be falling apart or shifting. The New Moon and Equinox will bring big major shifts. We are being asked to let go of what needs to die so we can be re-birthed to new life.

The powerful new moon in Gemini on the 17/18th June just before the Solstice, offers us an invitation to dream and envision our future. Old paradigms are breaking down and in the turmoil and turbulence that’s taking place right now, we must co-create in community for peace and justice.

I have just been through a profound transition, at times feeling overwhelmed and very tearful. A “fated event” in changing my car offered me a critical choice point and a catalyst for my own change and growth. So if you too are feeling these energies and are being called to close or wrap up an area of your life and moving towards another, Love’s healing message from the Black Rose this month is this:

What needs to be closed out of your life?

What are you going to do with the information and insights you have been given?

The Gemini new moon is in my sun sign and solar return. So with a new mindset and a new Love for self, as an act of unconditional Love this is a short Love letter this month.

Gemini is represented in the Tarot as The Lovers. This new moon is offering me an invitation to daydream and rest, refresh and renew my own energy and fill up my own proverbial cup!

Collective Awakening

Emotional connection is the anchor that allows us to weather the storms in any form of relationship. We may be seeing unfolding world events that are not aligned with Love, Peace or presence. However, they are all helping us to see what we do not want.

We all have an opportunity to align with Love at this new moon to present moment awareness, to release stress and trust in our intuition more. This is a good time to speak about our emotions, to look at our lives and see what’s working, what is not and what needs to change.

For me, I have continued to go through a “death cleanse”. I now have two gentle, tender, spiritual companions in the form of a rose quartz Merkaba, gifted me by a dear friend for my birthday and Archangel Uriel who made his presence felt in a change of my car.

Both are now my new vehicles of Light to begin a new story, waiting to take me on a new journey and new adventures that are aligned with infinite possibilities!

Clarity, Focus, Action

Love yourself enough to take some time out, grab a pen and notebook, then sit with and answer the following questions. I mean really sit with them – and then write it down. Clarity is our super power.

Is there a mindset you no longer resonate with? Write it down.

What is worth your precious time and energy? Write it down.

What is the story you continue to tell yourself and others? Write it down.

What attachments do you need to let go of? Write it down.

Are you being asked to revisit something? Write it down.

What do you want for your future? Write it down.

How does it feel?

Now take action on what the information and insights you have been given.

I am resting and dreaming into the sacred energy of these new moon energies and embracing them.

If you have recently or are going through a “fated event”, I would Love to hear from you! Please share your comment with us below.

In Love, Grace and Service,
